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Any comment on the theme of leadership lord of the flies?


One of the most important themes, in fact the major theme of the book “is an attempt to trace back the defects of society to the defects of human nature”. The moral is that the shape of society must depend on the ethical nature of individuals and not on any political system.

On sait aussi, how does Ralph show leadership in Lord of the Flies? Ralph demonstrates his excellent leadership skills throughout the book by keeping the group in line, treating everyone with respect, and staying focused on getting rescued. While the boys are under Jack’s control, they quickly went back into how they started when they first got there.

Question fréquente, why is leadership important in Lord of the Flies? Leadership in The Lord of the Flies by William Golding He solidifies his role of leader by creating rules and guidelines. Also, he gives the boys the comfort of an authority figure they can trust and look up to. By doing this he earns the boys honour and respect in his abilities.

On demande aussi, who is the leader in Lord of the Flies? Ralph

En outre, what is Piggy’s real name? Piggy’s real name is Peterkin (or at least just Peter). Lord of the Flies is clearly based on The Coral Island in which the three main characters are Ralph, Jack and Peterkin.

Who is the better leader Jack or Ralph?

In Lord Of The Flies,Jack and Ralph are very different leader. Jack is out minded because he likes to do things that will get him in trouble, but Ralph is responsible, caring,and brave. It is evident that Ralph is the stronger leader in the novel.9 sept. 2019

Who was the most effective leader in LOTF?

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Who is the best leader LOTF?

In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, the character of Ralph is a good leader. He displays specific characteristics that define a good leader. By possessing the ability to show initiative, responsibility, courage and determination on the island, transforms him into the remarkable leader he is.

Why was Ralph a bad leader?

While Ralph proves in many ways a thoughtful, charismatic, and effective leader, his leadership is flawed by his indecision and inability to think clearly in crucial moments. … Ralph’s unwillingness to resort to fear tactics and violence to lead the boys also makes him ultimately ineffective as a leader.

Who kills Piggy?


What does Ralph symbolize in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph represents order, leadership, and civilization. Piggy represents the scientific and intellectual aspects of civilization. Jack represents unbridled savagery and the desire for power. Simon represents natural human goodness.

Who do the boys choose as their leader?

The boys elect a leader through a vote. The choices are either Jack or Ralph. Ralph wins the election because he was the one who blew the conch.

How old is Jack in LOTF?

He is sixteen, two years older than Ralph, and has blond hair. Like all the other boys in this version of the story, Jack is American and attends an unnamed American military boarding school.

Does Ralph become a savage?

Ralph becomes savage after everyone has joined Jacks new tribe. He has always been savage because everyone has savagery in them. He truly shows his savage side when he murdered Simon.

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Why does Ralph let Jack lead?

Expert Answers He is relieved to do so. Jack is the head of the choir so the fact that he already has a group of dedicated followers who have become the hunters allows Ralph, Piggy and Simon to primarily organize the shelter and the signal fire. “Couldn’t let you do it on your own.”

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