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Question fréquente : Comment on the theme of leadership in the leader and the led?


Leadership is about maximizing the productivity of people as you help them and the organization grow and prosper. Leaders hunger to understand human behavior so they can inspire and motivate people to reach their full potential.18 nov. 2013

On sait aussi, what is the leader and the led all about? The Leader and the Led is a poem crafted by Niyi Osundare in form of a fable. It tells a story of an animal kingdom lacking leadership based on rivalry and imperfection.

Réponse rapide, what is the structure of the poem the leader and the led? The poem (The Leader and the Led) is a 12 stanza couplet void of planned end-rhymes and rhythms. The first part of the poem juxtaposed varying animals’ choice to lead and those of followers against their leadership. The final four stanzas of the poem are solution to the hovering choice of leadership problem.

En plus de ce qui précède, how many lines are in the leader and the led? The Leader and the Led is a poem of twenty-four lines arranged into twelve stanzas each with two lines; an overall of twelve couplets.31 mar. 2021

De même, what is an example of a theme? Examples of Theme Topics: Love, Justice/Injustice, Family, Struggle, the American Dream, Wealth, Inhumanity Examples of Themes: People risk their own identity to find love; Power corrupts humanity; Without empathy, there can be no justice.

What are quality of a good leader?

The most important qualities of a good leader include integrity, accountability, empathy, humility, resilience, vision, influence, and positivity. “Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could.”

What are the themes of the leader and the led?

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In the theme of leadership, the title and the context of the poem are fully about leadership. The title of the poem “the Leader and the Led” creates juxtaposition between two subjects (leading and following). The whole poem is about who wants to lead and who doesn’t want to be a follower of a certain leader.

What are the themes in the poem the leader and the led?

The theme of fear, distrust and suspicion “The led” in this poem have shown that they do not trust any one of the animals vying for leadership position. They “dread” and “shudder” at the prospect of giving their mandate to potentially wicked and greedy leaders like the Lion, the Elephant and the Hyena.29 mar. 2020

Who wrote the leader poem?

The Leader Poem by Roger McGough – Poem Hunter.

What is the central theme in Niyi Osundare’s the leader and the led?

The Theme of Leadership in Niyi Osundare’s THE LEADER AND THE LED. The Leader and the Led by Niyi Osundare explores the idea of good leadership. The poem paints a picture of what an ideal leader should be, and the qualities such leader should have.1 avr. 2021

What is the poem black woman about?

This poem was written when Senghor was in exile in France. The celebration of the black body of a woman was rare in art that the poem when published became revolutionary in its implications. … It is thus a poem that epitomizes the convergence of mistress, mother and land as the focus of the poet’s nostalgia and desire.27 juil. 2012

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What are the poetic devices used in the poem the leader and the led?

Top Poetic devices in The Leader and the Led by Niyi Osundare are simile, metaphor, paradox and symbolism. Symbolism:- The poet uses ‘pack’ in lines 2, 10 and 15 to depict Africa and Nigeria.

Who is the author of the leader and the led?

Niyi Osundare

How do you explain theme?

The theme in a story is its underlying message, or ‘big idea. ‘ In other words, what critical belief about life is the author trying to convey in the writing of a novel, play, short story or poem? This belief, or idea, transcends cultural barriers. It is usually universal in nature.3 août 2020

What are the 8 themes of art?

  1. Religious. Religious theme of art.
  2. Politics and the Social Order. Theme of art that involves societies.
  3. Stories and Histories. theme of art that involves stories whether real or make believe.
  4. Genre. Scenes of every day life.
  5. Personal Expression.
  6. Fantasy.
  7. The Natural World.
  8. Art for arts sake.

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